This whole war started a week and a half ago, when I innocently walked into the kitchen to grab a refreshingly delicious cold glass of milk. I turned on the light to see a small brown behind scurrying down the kitchen counter and-- well I don't know where he went after that because in my panic mode, I booked it back to my room where I stuffed the bottom crack of the door with a blanket and posted up there for the rest of the night. I tried to not think about how badly I had to pee as I texted Brenden and my mom, asking for advice on how to handle this situation.
"It's more afraid of you than you are of it!" said Brenden.
"It's probably more scared of you!!! I heard of this cool cupcake place in NYC! I want to go!!" said my mother.
Then I realized that the mouse had ran me out of my own kitchen, without my glass of milk. In case you didn't know, I have a very strong affinity for milk.
I had a vengeance.
The next morning, you bet I stood in the kitchen, drinking the postponed cup of milk, savoring every last drop of it; my eyes scouring for the rodent that had separated me from my beloved dairy product. No luck.
A couple nights later, I innocently walked into the kitchen YET AGAIN to find a small brown mound flying down the kitchen counter, tail whipping behind it. Enter panic mode number two. I woke up Leah with my squeals/screams, and she went to investigate. It had fled the scene again!
My other roommate Rachel and I acquired some glue traps from the exterminator, and set out to catch this mouse once and for all.
Background information on glue traps: glue traps are a sticky pad of paper that mice get their feet and body stuck to so they can't run away. Unfortunately (or fortunately, for my animal loving friends) it doesn't not kill them immediately. This means however, the owner of the glue trap must execute the deed.
For two days, I hesitantly peeked my head into the kitchen, and heaved a sigh of relief when I saw the glue trap was empty.
Then came the third day.
I hesitantly peeked my head into the kitchen, and entered panic mode number three as I saw a small brown mound lying on its side on the glue trap. I really did feel sorry for it, but as I heard it squirming around on the kitchen floor, I went to Rachel's room and woke her up so she could be the commander to finish this last battle. She creatively taped a dust pan to a broom handle, and used it as a shovel to pick up the mouse, and let its last moments be watching the beautiful NYC morning sky as it fell down five stories. Tragic, but it was better than hitting it with a frying pan or drowning it in the tub, which were real suggestions I was given.
The Cheetah Girls had it right, I don't want to be like Cinderella. I may have dressed up as her for my 2nd Halloween, but the mice friends just don't work for me!
crumbs bakery 72nd and amsterdam a MUST!